Here is why Buddhist Monks live in celibacy
This interview is part of a bigger interview with an Australian man who used to be a Buddhist monk. In this post, I share his words on why many Buddhists decide to live a monastic life. Let’s dive straight in.
What role does love have in the Monastic culture, and why do monks and nuns refrain from having sexual relationships?
In the monastic environment, there really is this sense of kindness and concern for each other. There is a softness and a gentleness about the way both monks relate to one another, and the way nuns do as well. Which is kind of logical, because they grew up in an environment, which always reinforces the importance of kindness and compassion towards others. You could really say love, kindness, and compassion have a huge role in the monastic culture.
Regarding sexual relationships, monks and nuns living separately in the monastery and not having sexual relationships is primarily because engagement with the sensory world can make the mind more distracted. Therefore, it can also make it difficult to meditate and to go deep into practice.
There is a very pure energy in the monastic environment, and this makes it easier to relate to people with less attachment or desire and more love and kindness. Nonetheless, Buddhist monks are also human beings and they sometimes also stop being a monk and decide to get married and have families. What is very interesting about the Tibetan and Nepali Buddhist culture is that even when they leave, for whatever reason it is, when they return as non-monks, they are still part of the family. It is not like they are cut off and made to feel like they somehow betrayed the monastic institution. The residents of the monastery would still welcome them with open arms at all times.
Whether one is a good Buddhist or not has nothing to do with whether someone is a monk or a nun, or a layperson. It’s more about what we do with our minds. Some lay people are incredibly sincere in their practice and maybe even further on the path than some of the monks or nuns. It is not like you have to become a monk or nun to develop spiritually. Yet, it is a powerful way to work with the mind and that’s why many Buddhists decide to live in celibacy and move to a monastery.
All credits to David Marks. Thank you for sharing your wise words.